Political Science At Rose State Receives Funding Once Again To Talk Politics Published January 27, 2017

Professor James Davenport

Professor James Davenport Engaging Community with Political Hot Topics

Midwest City, Okla. – For the third semester in a row, the Rose State College Political Science Division’s, Professor James Davenport, received funding from the Institute for Humane Studies (HIS) and the Templeton Foundation to bring political discussions to an audience on national topics. Grant funds in the amount of $2,250 for this semester, will cover four “Great Debate” panel discussions from February to May.

Rose State received grants from the same funders in the spring and fall of 2016 to conduct similar programs. So far Davenport has conducted eight sessions with dozens in attendance.

The grant earned program is designed to provide diverse perspectives on governing, society at large and public policy issues.

Professor Davenport says, “These are an excellent opportunity for students to not only hear from experts and practitioners in various fields, but to actually engage with those experts.” 

The series this spring is titled “Great Debates: Politics, Power and People” and the scheduled panel and topics include the following:

“The Entrepreneurship Economy
February 7th, 2pm-4pm
Tom Steed Community Learning Center Auditorium, Rose State College campus

“Protecting Minority Rights in a Majoritarian System”
March 7th, 2pm-4pm
Tom Steed Community Learning Center Auditorium, Rose State College campus

MythBusters: What You Know That Just Isn’t So”
April 4th, 2pm-4pm
Tom Steed Community Learning Center Auditorium, Rose State College campus

“Taxes, taxes, taxes!”
May 2nd, 2pm-4pm
Professional Training Center, Room 114, Rose State College campus

Students and faculty are encouraged to attend the series of discussions and any Rose State Social Science majors will receive a “Certificate of Completion” for attending all four of the panel discussions along with extra assignments.  For those who cannot attend in person, the series will also be livestreamed on the Rose State College Youtube channel. 

Professor Davenport has provided his expert insight to numerous articles written by the Journal Record on statewide political issues. For more information or to be considered as a panelist for the Great Debates series, contact James Davenport, jdavenport@rose.edu.