Rose State’s Misty Engelbrecht directs operations of Rose State’s Innovation Station in downtown Oklahoma City.
Rose State College’s Director of the Innovation Station, Misty Engelbrecht, moves into a prestigious category as a recipient of the Journal Record’s Achievers Under 40 Class of 2017.
This program is the Journal Record’s tribute to Oklahoma’s best and brightest young professionals across the state.
Ms. Engelbrecht was named Director of Rose State’s downtown Innovation Station center in 2016. Her goal is to bring a creative and innovate approach to educational opportunities for the downtown Oklahoma City workforce. Her creativity can cover anything from 3-D printing basics to emergency management and cyber security hot topics to name a few.
“This is an amazing opportunity to continue the great work of Rose State in a different environment,” said Engelbrecht. “Education is a part of everything we do whether it be in the classroom or in an office and Innovation Station is that resource for businesses ready to grow.”
Ms. Engelbrecht has worked with Rose State College for over 10 years while pursuing multiple degrees. While at Rose State she has been instrumental in the creation of a pilot program for dual enrollment with local schools. She is currently working on her Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma.
39 honorees were selected by the Journal Record from a group of 139 applicants from across the state.
Engelbrecht will be recognized for her achievements at an award luncheon in Oklahoma City, on May 18, 2017.