Saturday, September 19, 2020
9am - 12pm
Hosted by Rose State College
6420 SE 15th Street - Midwest City, OK
Rose State College invites you to a unique opportunity to visit with college recruiters from around the state of Oklahoma and even a few surrounding states! We are also excited to have some military recruiters in attendance as well!
Whether you are a Junior, Senior, an adult student wishing to return to school, or even a current student at a local Community College looking at transfer opportunities - THIS DAY IS FOR YOU! Our goal throughout this event is to be a able to offer a quality college fair, while keeping faculty, staff, and students safe and healthy. Even though this is an outdoor event, masks will be required at all times and social distancing markers will be placed throughout to assist with added safety measures.
Check-In will take place on the west side of the "Campus Mall" courtyard area of campus. At the time of check-in, all attendees will receive a bag of recruitment materials from all institutions in attendance versus getting these materials at each individual table. Representatives from each institution will still be set-up as a normal college fair, just with no materials at their table to help with safety measures to minimize contact. All attendees will also be entered to win door prizes from the institutions represented! The check-in table will be open throughout the entire event, as it is a "come and go" type event!
We encourage parking on the north or south side of campus as our NEW Student Union is still under construction. A map showing parking & registration will be sent upon confirmation of registration.