LEFT TO RIGHT: Lance Newbold, Rose State College Vice President for Student Affairs; Ashlynn McCoy, Rose State College student from Tecumseh, Oklahoma; Joshua Catino, Rose State College student from Midwest City, Oklahoma; Jennifer Nguyen, Rose State College student from Del City, Oklahoma; and Paige Stramski, Rose State College Coordinator of Student Activities and Service Learning.
Rose State College made the trip to the Capitol on Wednesday, April 20, to visit with legislators for Oklahoma’s Promise Day at the State Capitol.
Oklahoma’s Promise Day at the State Capitol is an annual event that allows students receiving the Oklahoma’s Promise scholarship to show their appreciation for the program and to encourage elected officials to continue funding Oklahoma’s Promise. Currently, 14,000 college students in Oklahoma benefit from the Oklahoma’s Promise scholarship.
“For 30 years, Oklahoma’s Promise has helped our students with tuition assistance to achieve their goals and earn a college degree,” Dr. Webb said. “Oklahoma’s Promise Day at the State Capitol is an opportunity for students to thank legislators for their support of the program. We are so fortunate our legislators remain committed to accessible and affordable higher education.”