Starting a new semester is an exciting and nerve-wracking time for college students. Whether this is your first time in college or you’re coming back for continued education, there are several ways to make sure you make the most out of your time here at Rose State.
We have put together a list of 5 tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your college experience.
- Get involved. College is the perfect time to meet new people and try new things! Find a club or another type of student organization and get involved! This is where you’ll find new friends and relationships that will last longer than just college. Learn more about how you can get involved at
- Research. A lot of degrees and career paths sound good in theory, but is it actually a good fit for you? Research what required courses you will have to take, what fields you can go into, and make sure you see yourself in that career field for the foreseeable future. No one knows you better than you, so it’s important to know what to expect when picking your degree path. To explore options, contact one of our academic advisors.
- Familiarize yourself. There are so many free resources on campus offered to you as a Rose State student. Take advantage of on-campus counseling, tutoring sessions, career services and so much more. For a full list of available resources at Rose State, check out the Raider Resources at rsc-raider-resource-2021rev.pdf (
- Make time for yourself. College is a time in your life when there are always a million things going on, so many events to go to, degree paths to decide on, and all of this is on top of your classes. In the midst of such a busy time, it’s important to make the time to take care of yourself. Care for your body and your mental health by:
- Taking Breaks – You are welcome to hang out in the Student Union, Student Lounge, Library, Underground coffee shop, or anywhere in the campus mall.
- Eating Well – The RSC café in the Student Union is a great place to grab a bite. You can follow them on Instagram @rosestatecafe.
- Exercising – You have free access to the Wellness Center on campus. Learn more about the amenities available to you here:
- Go to Counseling – Rose State is proud to provide free counseling and mental health resources to RSC students. Learn more:
- Find Your People – The Diversity Center on campus is the home of cultural events, student diversity clubs, and so many great resources to connect you with great people on campus. Learn more here:
- Seek Support – At the Diversity Center, Rose provides free resources like a food pantry where you can take what you need or donate items. There is also a community closet called Raider Rack offering donated clothing like shoes, jackets, pants, dresses, shirts and ties to help you dress for success.
- Be intentional. Your time in college can and should be some of the best years of your life. With that being said, be intentional in how you spend your time. Go to class, study, and pay attention. Surround yourself with people who encourage you to study and understand when you have to say no. Get involved in things that are of interest to you and not just the things that everyone else seems to be doing. To stay connected, follow our student engagement Instagram @rscengagement.
College can and should be a fun, unforgettable experience. We can’t wait to see what you do and how you make it your own! For more information on resources and clubs available for students at Rose State, check out the Raider Resources at rsc-raider-resource-2021rev.pdf ( or head to the Student Engagement office in the Student Union to find out how to get involved.