Three students interacting in class

A Helping Hand

Three-quarters of full-time students at Rose State take advantage of some form of financial assistance
Students seated surfing the web

D2L: Your Online Hub

Your digital source for course calendars, assignments, resources, discussions and more
Student seated at a bank of three computer screens

"National Site of Excellence"

The National Security Agency honored Rose State's renowned cyber security program

Current Students

Parking Lot Closure

Construction on the Student Union has progressed to the point that we are ready to begin work on selected sections of the new parking areas.  Beginning Monday, October 21st, the parking areas west of the Wellness Center and south of the Professional Training Center, specifically the south entrance to the PTC from Hudiburg Drive, will be closed for demolition, utility work and installation of new paving. The duration of this phase is expected to require approximately eight weeks, dependent on weather. 

Wellness Center – all parking on the west side of the Wellness/Aquatics Center will be closed, and pedestrian access to the west door of the Wellness/Aquatics Center will be restricted to emergency egress only. Patrons of the Wellness/Aquatics will need to access the facility from the east and south sides of the building for the duration of the parking lot construction. 

Professional Training Center – access to the PTC from Hudiburg Drive will be via the north drive between PTC and Student Housing. A limited amount of parking – including ADA accessible parking – will be available on the south side of the PTC.  All parking to east side of the PTC will be unaffected. 

Susan Loveless Center – parking to the north and east of the SLC will be closed. SLC employees, bookstore employees and security staff will be required to park in the overflow parking on the west side of Hudiburg Drive or in the available parking on the east side of the PTC. 

Sidewalk access along Hudiburg Drive and adjacent to the PTC and SLC will be unaffected. Access to the main campus from the PTC, SLC and Student Housing will be via the east side of the Wellness/Aquatics Center or along the sidewalk adjacent to Hudiburg Drive.
