Welcome to the Professional/Administrative Staff Association (PASA) homepage. On this page, you will be able to locate items and documents related to PASA, to include information about upcoming meetings, past meetings, the Excellence Award, and a general overview of what PASA is and what it aims to accomplish.
Recognizing its role in improving and promoting academic excellence and campus life, the Professional/Administrative Staff Association of Rose State College was established November 14, 1990. The professional & administrative staff believe that they, together with comparable campus organizations, and the President and his/her staff share a joint responsibility for the academic excellence and the campus environment.
The purposes of PASA shall be:
- To sponsor and encourage opportunities for employees' professional growth.
- To foster communication among professional and administrative employees on campus.
- To increase representation of professional and administrative employees on College committees and in policy development.
- To provide a forum for the continuing review of College policies and to function as a consultative body to the College President.
- To act as a liaison between professional and administrative employees and the College community on issues of common concern.
- To encourage greater participation by professional and administrative employees in the College community.
- Nominations can be made by any faculty, professional staff, or classified staff member. Nominations will be accepted from Friday, March 3rd until Friday, March 24th, 2022.
- Selection process: Nominations MUST be received by Friday, March 24th, 2022.
2022-2023 Officers
Vice President
Lauren Checorski-Campbell
Immediate Past President